


Pictured here are the envelopes from the clinic and the charts I used to record unmentionable information about my cycle. No details are revealed here just the key I created for myself, hinting at the ‘RAGE’ I felt during the whole process.

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Frustrated Performance/ Frustrated Body

This is an attempt to conform to a standard and found lacking. A performance evolved to control a body which only undermines the regulation. Layering the frustration, the performance never ends, the body fails to deliver and they never meet in the middle.

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‘HAPPY’ was made in response to my journey to become a mother but finding myself childless. ‘HAPPY’ talks of the missed birthday parties and how the best laid plans can go horribly wrong.

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do undo redo

do undo redo

My partner and I have taken a journey over the past eight years into childlessness. Five of those years we were trying to have children

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Little Prince

My partner and I have taken a journey over the past eight years into childlessness. Five of those years we were trying to have children

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Balloons, video, 5 min, 2013 The camera is focused on a woman’s mouth. The woman blows into a balloon, with each breath the balloon inflates

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100’s & 1000’s

Sample of 100’s & 1000’s, 2013 100’s & 1000’s starts focused on a pile of 100’s & 1000’s, all colours mixed together for a riotous

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